BRSR (Business Responsibility Sustainability Reporting)

BRSR full form is Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting. SEBI introduced the BRSR framework, mandating certain listed companies to disclose their ESG related information as a mandatory process. The BRSR framework aims to enhance transparency and encourage companies to adopt responsible and sustainable business practices.
At present, BRSR is mandated for the top 1000 listed companies (by market capitalization) in India.
BRSR is not merely presenting the data collected, but an approach to drive an organization’s commitment to sustainability, and demonstrate it to the interested parties in a transparent manner.
The BRSR is an initiative towards ensuring that investors have access to standardized disclosures on ESG parameters. Access to relevant and comparable information will enable investors to identify and assess sustainability-related risks and opportunities of companies and make better investment decisions. At the same time, companies will be able to better demonstrate their sustainability objectives, position, and performance resulting in long-term value creation.
Overall, higher standards of ESG and transparency will help in attracting more capital and investment.
The BRSR seeks disclosures from listed entities on their performance against the nine principles of the ‘National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct’ (NGBRCs) and reporting under each principle is divided into essential and leadership indicators. The essential indicators are required to be reported on a mandatory basis while the reporting of leadership indicators is on a voluntary basis.